“Don’t tell me to floss!” That was a common comment from patients surveyed in our most recent “Patient Perceptions of Dentistry” national public opinion survey.* That, along with other responses, let us know that you can’t tell patients WHAT to do any more – unless you first tell them WHY!
“So, Mrs. Jones, am I safe in assuming that you want to keep your teeth, have fresh breath, and avoid having unnecessary, avoidable health problems? Would you be interested in a couple of things you CAN do to make that happen?” Leading with an emotionally compelling WHY opens the door to the WHAT. But, until you have identified the WHY that your patients really WANT, no WHAT is going to interest them.
So, make sure to lead with the WHY. Your patients WANT to know. And they will be much more willing to DO when they know…WHY!
For a complimentary copy of the 21 page special report “What Patients Really Want” - the results of that national survey on public perceptions of dentistry, call us at 1-877-399-8677or e-mail your request to Answers@TotalPatientService.com.