One of my favorite pieces of literature is a speech given years ago by Albert E.N. Gray in which he said, “Successful people have formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do.” He then commented that the things failures don’t like to do are the same things that successful people don’t like to do. Successful people just do them anyway whether they like to do them or not!
So what are the success habits that create a ToP team? For the last two weeks we have encouraged everyone to revisit the habit of goal setting by requesting and following the ToPS 2008 Goal Guide. You can still request your free copy by giving us a call at 1-877-399-8677 or by e-mailing us at Answers@TotalPatientService.com.
Once your goals are set, how do you know if you are accomplishing your objectives? Great teams know what the “score” is all the time. And the score is much more than just production and collections. For example, to what extent are you really providing quality care? Are you measuring it? Do you know when you are “winning” clinically as well as financially?
Keeping the right score is a habit that successful dental teams have formed. As you work on your goals, ask yourself, “How are we going to keep score? How are we really going to know if we are winning?” If you would like some suggestions on how to really keep score that goes beyond mere production and collections, give our team a call and ask us how ToP Teams really keep score.
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