Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Law of Integrity and how it applies to YOU

If you have been in any of our seminars or presentations you know that I am a student of natural laws of nature and human behavior.

One of my favorites is the Law of Integrity that states: we want to be consistent with who we say we are. For example, if you have made a commitment to be somewhere for a friend and told your friend that you will be there, something inside of most people pulls them very hard in the direction of fulfilling that commitment. Similarly, if I have proclaimed that I am affiliated with a certain political party, I will have a tendency to act in ways that are consistent with how people of that persuasion are supposed to act. The Law of Integrity also has far-reaching implications in how you interact with your clients as well as how you interact with yourself.

Here’s the powerful, personal application…

Any student of success knows that a fundamental requirement of success is to make sure that your goals are written down. That is well known. What is not so well known is why. Enter the Law of Integrity. Think about it. When you write something down like a goal, you are making a proclamation that you are or are going to be a certain way or do a certain thing. The moment it goes down in writing, the Law of Integrity kicks in and goes to work bringing your actions in harmony with the commitment. Does it happen over night or in an instant? No. It takes time, but the accumulation of small and large acts alike over a period of time creates results. Those results are going to closely match the written statement of your goals if they are kept in focus over the long run.

So if you are really serious about a future outcome, put the Law of Integrity to work by writing down your goal. Review it every day. Then, while you go to work, the power of the Law of Integrity will be at work for you, quietly guiding your thoughts and actions to bring you closer to your goal.

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